Class still matters
By staff
The public believes class discrimination has not gone away, according to a new survey released today.
A poll conducted by YouGov for Fabian Society and the Barrow Cadbury Trust reveals 77 per cent of the public still think snobbery and discrimination continue to exist in the workplace.
The figure rises to 80 per cent in Scotland.

Most of those surveyed thought class prejudice is as bad as racism.
Fabian general secretary Sunder Katwala said: “Anybody who thinks they are for equal opportunities and then shouts class war the moment anyone mentions the self evident fact that class still matters is screaming ‘can’t hear’ in the face of overwhelming evidence.
“Our poll shows the public is well aware of how class matters, most people still want fair chances and unfair barriers dismantled and not the class war that the more extreme right-wing commentators seem determined to stoke up.”
The poll follows hints from deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman that class prejudice could be slotted into the government’s equality bill – effectively making it illegal.
It was released to coincide with the Fabian Societies’ new year conference. will be covering the event live from London.