US spied on Tony Blair
The US kept a secret personal detail file on Tony Blair, breaking a US-UK agreement to not spy on each other’s leaders, a former US communications operator said yesterday.
David Murfee Faulk told that he saw the file on Mr Blair in 2006 while working at a listening post in Fort Gordon, Georgia.
“If it is true that we maintained a file on Blair, it would represent a huge breach of the agreement we have with the Brits,” said one former CIA official.
Mr Faulk also reportedly listened-in on conversations between interim Iraqi president Ghazi al-Yawer and his future wife.

Mr Faulk described al-Yawer’s conversations as “courting, wooing and pillow talk”.
The leak comes weeks after he revealed US intelligence had listened into and monitored personal calls of American journalists, aid workers and soldiers.
US intelligence agents have also admitted to snooping on Iraqis, as revealed by Bob Woodward’s book on Bush’s wartime administration, ‘The War Within’.