Speeding law to be tightened up
New proposals will see motorists losing their licence after only two speeding offences, the government will announce today.
The new system would modify the standard fixed-penalty warning of a fine and three penalty points, to give drivers going extensively over the limit six penalty points.
“Drink driving is still claiming far too many lives,” Lib Dem shadow transport secretary, Norman Baker said.
“The government needs to realise a Christmas campaign is just not enough and that instead we need a real clamp down on drink and drug driving.”

Having 12 or more points on a licence is grounds for having a licence revoked.
Under the current system only a court can impose a penalty of more than three points for a speeding offence.
The government is also expected to say it has reversed plans to lower the drink-driving limit, keeping it as 80mg of alcohol to 100ml blood, one of the highest limits in Europe.
“Britain has the highest drink drive limit in the EU,” said Mr Baker.
“Rather than embark on another consultation, the government needs to take this opportunity to lower it.”
Currently 1.1 million drivers are on the verge of licence disqualification having six or more points on their licence.
The proposals will be under consultation for the next couple of months.