Fears deported Algerians may face torture
Two Algerian nationals fearing torture if they are deported have received support in their appeal from civil rights group Liberty.
They have questioned why the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) is allowed to conduct closed hearings which exclude the deportee and their legal representatives.
Liberty said: “Our government’s zeal for extensive secrecy is denying them full protection against the threat of torture”
The two men are allegedly threats to national security based on evidence not disclosed by the government. Liberty argue the absence of evidence means the pair cannot effectively defend themselves.

The UK is obliged under the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) to not deport detainees to nations with poor human rights records.
Despite Algerian authorities promising the two men will not be ill-treated, Liberty remain unconvinced.
The Algerian government has not satisfied human rights groups that guarantees over the men’s’ safety would comply with international law in relation to torture and ill treatment.