Mr Cameron said the Glasgow East campaign would get full central party support

Cameron: Responsibility at heart of Tory govt

Cameron: Responsibility at heart of Tory govt

David Cameron has put his ‘responsibility agenda’ at the heart of the Conservative party’s plan for government.

Speaking at the launch of the Tories campaign for Glasgow East, Mr Cameron said: “I want a mandate to restore responsibility.

“I want a mandate for tough action to repair our broken society.”

Mr Cameron also called for a toughening of the laws on carrying a knife, saying current government calls for a presumption of prosecution should be replaced by a presumption of jail time as an automatic punishment.

But the Liberal Democrats have hit back at the proposals, saying detection is more important than prison sentences.

Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary, Chris Huhne said: “Threatening prison is good for tabloid headlines but it means nothing if teenagers think they will not be caught,” said Lib Dem home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne.

The Tories are trying to make inroads into Scotland via their Glasgow East candidate, Davena Rankin. The party has become all-but irrelevant north of the border as Labour and the Scottish National Party (SNP) fight it out.