The week in Westminster: March 17th-21st

The week in Westminster: March 17th-21st

The week in Westminster: March 17th-21st

The collapse of another bank loomed over Westminster this week, but it was American bank Bear Stearns rather than Northern Rock grabbing the headlines.

Its unexpected crisis indicated a deepening of the credit crunch and prompted Gordon Brown to reassure the Commons during a statement on the EU on Monday 17th.

“While our economy is resilient and fundamentally strong, we will at all times remain vigilant and particularly at this time of global uncertainty will continue to take whatever action is necessary to maintain economic stability and growth,” he said.

Other Westminster news

Post Office controversy

The government came close to losing an opposition day motion on Post Office closures on Wednesday. Shadow business secretary Alan Duncan led the calls for a suspension for the Conservatives, who slashed the government’s majority from 67 to just 20.

PMQs: Lack of policy, or lack of decisiveness?

David Cameron repeatedly accused Mr Brown of “dithering” in Wednesday’s weekly sparring round , accusing the prime minister of decisiveness on A-levels, the human fertilisation and embryology bill and general governance. Mr Brown responded by accusing the Tory leader of lacking substantive policies and “playing at politics”.

Conway escapes police investigation

Disgraced Tory MP Derek Conway will have been relieved to hear the Metropolitan police do not plan a probe of his alleged improprieties regarding his expenses. He was suspended from the Commons for ten days after it was suggested he overpaid his son as a researcher, but the Met said it would be “inappropriate” to launch a probe.

Next week in the Commons

Tuesday March 25th

Foreign Office questions
Constitutional renewal statement
Opposition day – Iraq inquiry
Adjournment debate: War widows’ pensions (Tina Thompson)

Wednesday March 26th

Adjournment debate: Cooperative model in education in Portsmouth (Sarah McCarthy-Fry)

Thursday March 27th

Motions on MPs’ expenses
Adjournment debate: Boston’s road infrastructure (Mark Simmonds)