Reid ‘to close borders’ to Bulgaria and Romania
John Reid is reportedly finalising plans to restrict the number of Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants allowed to work in Britain when the two countries join the EU in January.
The government’s decision to abandon its open-door policy for eastern European citizens coming to Britain follows the arrival of far more immigrants than expected from the ten countries that joined in 2004.
Britain, along with Sweden and Ireland, gave workers from these new member states an unrestricted right to work. However, governments can impose restrictions for up to seven years on workers from accession countries.
According to the Observer, the home secretary now plans to announce time-limited controls on the right of Bulgarian and Romanian citizens to work in Britain when they become the latest countries to join the EU on January 1st.

It claims that the proposals, which have yet to be approved by the cabinet, would involve a limited number of unskilled workers being offered the opportunity to work in jobs such as fruit picking, but no general right to a UK work permit.
Instead, Mr Reid is expected to unveil proposals next week that will require Romanians and Bulgarians to demonstrate that they can meet specific skills gaps before they are allowed to work in the UK, the Sunday Times reports.
The newspaper claims the move would deter thousands of unskilled workers from coming to Britain, reporting that private government research has indicated between 60,000 and 140,000 had been planning to enter the country.