Conservative conference 2006 and fringe events
The Conservative party’s 2006 annual conference will be held in Bournemouth, from October 1st to 5th. will be there to bring you the latest news, views and debate, as well as the latest from our Opinion Formers.
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Opinion Former fringe events

Sunday October 1st
Shaw Trust
Beyond Profit – Public Sector Services & The Third Sector
Tregonwell Bar of the Bournemouth International Centre.
Chair: Jeremy Vine
Speakers: Tim Cooper of the Shaw Trust; David Ruffley MP; Nick Aldridge, head of policy at ACEVO.
Joint Children’s Charities Reception – Ending Child Poverty
5.45pm to 7pm
The Shaftesbury Suite, Marriott Hotel
Speakers: Oliver Letwin; Donald Hirsch from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, NSPCC chief executive Mary Marsh
Monday October 2nd
British Property Foundation
Conservative City Leadership: Are elected mayors the answer?
Bournemouth Conference Centre
Speakers: Steve Norris; BPF CEO Liz Peace; Vice chair of the all party parliamentary urban development group James Brokenshire MP; Director of policy exchange Nick Boles; and Director general of British chambers of commerce David Frost.
Turning Point
Bottling it Up: The effects of alcohol misuse of children, parents and families
1pm – 2.30pm
The Franklyn Suite, The Connaught Hotel, 30 West Hill Road, West Cliff, Bournemouth BH2 5PH
Speakers: Lord Victor Adebowale CBE, chief executive of Turning Point; Shadow minister for children Tim Loughton MP; Clarissa Dickson-Wright, celebrity chef
New Health Network
Trust Me, I’m a Patient: Is the NHS ready for an informed public?
5.15pm to 6.30pm
Wessex Hotel, Bournemouth
In collaboration with Asthma UK and the General Medical Council
Discusses the implications of NHS reforms on the quality of patient care,
specifically the impact of patient choice.
Speakers: Stephen Dorrell MP
Is the NHS getting better or worse and how do we know?
7.15pm – 8.45pm
Wessex Hotel, Bournemouth
In collaboration with the Health Foundation and Bazian and supported by Servier Laboratories
This fringe debates the case for putting clinical effectiveness and quality of care at the heart of NHS Reform.
Speakers: Conservative House of Lords health spokesman Earl Howe
Barnardo’s Fringe – Children’s Policy: are we at a crossroads?
5.45pm to 7pm
Westcliff Room, Tralee Hotel
Speakers: Tim Loughton; Sir Al Aynsley-Green; Barnardo’s chief executive Martin Narey
National Energy Action (NEA)
Energy competition – Power to the people?
NEA, British Gas and Energywatch – the impact on fuel poverty, the environment and consumers
5.45pm to 7pm
President’s Suite, Bournemouth International Centre
Speakers: Shadow trade minister Charles Hendry MP; Lois Hedg-Peth, managing director of residential energy at British Gas; Allan Asher, chief executive of Energywatch; NEA chief executive William Gillis; Chairman – Peter Luff MP, chairman of the trade and industry select committee
Construction Products Association
Meeting the climate challenge: Delivering sustainable construction
5.45pm to 7pm
Shaftesbury Suite, Highcliffe Marriot Hotel
Chair: CEMEX UK Services’ vice president communications and public affairs Tim Stokes
Speakers: Shadow DTI minister Mark Prisk; Shadow environment minister Greg Barker; Skanska CEO David Fison
Free wine and refreshments available
Sweet charity: How can the Conservatives encourage voluntary action?
5.45pm to 7pm
Westbourne Suite, BIC, Bournemouth
Speakers: Iain Duncan Smith (invited); Jo Williams from Mencap (tbc); Daniel Finkelstein from the Times (invited)
Chair: Stuart Etherington, NCVO
Amnesty International
Can the conservatives put human rights, development and global security at the heart of foreign policy?
With Oxfam and Saferworld
6pm to 7.30pm
Speakers: MP Mark Simmonds; Nicholas Boles from Policy Exchange; Jo Leadbeter from Oxfam. Chair: BBC journalist Andrew Gilligan
Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
7.30pm to 9pm
Purbeck Room, Marriott Highcliff Hotel
Hosted by the FSB with the Enterprise Forum
Speakers: Shadow trade and industry secretary Alan Duncan MP; Shadow chancellor George Osbourne MP
Tuesday October 3rd
Mental Health Alliance
Stand Up for Mental Health
12.30 to 2.00pm
Yeovil Room, Marriott Highcliff Hotel, Bournemouth
This is within the secure zone
The Building Societies Association (BSA)
If not in my back yard where should we be building houses?
12.30pm to 2pm
Westbourne Suite, BIC
Chair: Neil Johnson, BSA
Speakers: LGA chairman Lord Bruce-Lockhart; Kelvin MacDonald, Royal Town Planning Institute; Dr. Oliver Hartwich, Research Director, Policy Exchange
New Health Network
Regulation in a de-regulated NHS: Who will ensure quality and safety?
12.30pm to 2.00pm
Wessex Hotel, Bournemouth
Held in collaboration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council
A debate exploring the challenges of ensuring professional standards, quality and patient safety in an NHS with a diversity of providers.
Amnesty International
International Question Time
The Comedy Store
Panellists will discuss key issues facing developing countries
With shadow international development secretary Andrew Mitchell
BSA/PCS Skills Project
The Blandford Suite at the Bournemouth Marriott Highcliff Hotel, St. Michaels Road, West Cliff, Bournemouth, BH2 5DU (within the secure zone)
Invited speakers – Shadow work and pensions minister Tim Boswell
Freedom Food breakfast
Bill Wiggin and David Bowles of the RSPCA will discuss the future of farm animal welfare. Meat and vegetarian options will be available.
7.45am to 9.30am
Branksome Suite in the Bournemouth International Centre
Environment Agency and ABI
Tackling Climate Change
7.30pm to 9pm
Presidency Suite, BIC Centre Exeter Road BH2 5BH
Speakers: Shadow environment secretary Peter Ainsworth MP; Baroness Young of Old Scone, chief executive of the Environment Agency; ABI director general Stephen Haddrill; Pamela Taylor, chief executive of Water UK
Chair: Sarah Mukherjee, BBC environment correspondent
National Farmers’ Union (NFU)
British Agriculture: Beyond Price?
6.30 to 8pm
Mezzanine Room, De Vere Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth
Chair: MP Geoffrey Cox
Speakers: NFU president Peter Kendall; Shadow environment secretary Peter Ainsworth MP
Rethink and Sainsbury Care for Mental Health
Right to Work – Why people with mental illness need equal access to unemployment
7.15pm to 8.45pm
“All people share a right of equal access to employment and yet employers continue to discriminate heavily against people with mental ill health. We cannot encourage service users to return to work if we are asking them to go through a ‘locked door’.”
Wednesday October 4th
What next for pensions?
Purbeck Room, Marriott Highcliff Hotel St Michaels Rd BH2 5DU
Speakers: Shadow work and pensions secretary Philip Hammond MP; CBI director general Richard Lambert; Jenny Watson, chair of the Equal Opportunities Commission; ABI director general Stephen Haddrill
Chair: Nick Timmins, public policy editor, Financial Times
Globalisation Institute
Bournemouth International Centre, Purbeck Lounge
With UN deputy general Mark Malloch Brown. Chair: Shadow international development secretary Andrew Mitchell
Wine will be served
Amnesty International
Conservative Human Rights Commission discussion on torture
Time and venue to be confirmed
Speakers: Kate Allen; Former UK