Reservists to train with Canadian counterparts
A new memorandum of understanding announced by the Ministry of Defence today will allow British and Canadian reservists to train together for the first time.
Open to all members of the reserve forces in UK or Canada relocating temporarily to the other country, it will allow them to continue their military training while overseas.
The Duke of Westminster, the UK assistant chief of defence staff (reserves and cadets), welcomed the move.
“This will allow [reservists] to broaden their military horizons and maintain their skills base, while remaining an important asset to the nation,” he said.

His Canadian counterpart, Major General Herb Petras, said reservists were a “vital part” of the defence team and welcomed today’s announcement as a way of keeping them.
“We view this agreement as a key retention tool for officers and NCOs [non-commissioned officers] in whom we have invested significant time and resources,” he said.