Panel recommends five independent peers
The independent panel set up to advise on non-party-political peers to the House of Lords has made five new recommendations to sit on the crossbenches in the Upper House:
Dame Ruth Deech, the independent adjudicator for higher education and a previous chairman of the UK Human Embryology and Fertilisation Authority.
Michael Hastings, the head of corporate social responsibility at the BBC, chairman of Crime Concern, a trustee of Volunteering England and a former commissioner for racial equality.
Professor Sir Martin Rees, the Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and professor of cosmology and astrophysics at the University of Cambridge.

Adair Turner, a former CBI director and chairman of both the pensions commission and the low pay commission.
Jo Valentine, chief executive of London First, a National Lottery commissioner and a Board member of the New West End Company, the Central London Partnership, Think London and a trustee of Teach First.