Housing benefit fraud drops
Fraud and error in housing benefit is estimated to have fallen by £50 million since 2002-03, according to the latest official figures.
The Department for Work and Pension (DWP) has a target to reduce fraud and error by 25 per cent by 2006, for working age customers. Today’s figures represent a six per cent cut in housing benefit fraud.
Anti-fraud minister James Plaskitt said it was “encouraging” to see a drop in housing fraud but the government was not complacent.
Estimates show that around £600 million of housing benefit has been lost to fraud and error between October 2003 and September 2004. This is 4.9 per cent of total expenditure.

“Fraud is a serious offence that will be dealt with severely – tax payers’ money shouldn’t have to subsidise rents paid by criminals,” Mr Plaskitt said.