Government donates £1mn to bombing relief fund
The government has announced a £1 million donation to help the victims and families affected by the London terror attacks.
The gift will be made on behalf of the whole government to the London Bombing Relief Fund, set up by the Mayor of London. The money will come out of Home Office funds.
Home secretary Charles Clarke said victims would also be entitled to money from the statutory Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (CICS).
Mr Clarke said it was a “clear statement” of the government’s intent to help victims and was designed to “stimulate further contributions”.

“In addition, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority will work with the police, Victim Support (CICA) and the medical profession to deal quickly, fairly and compassionately with all applications for compensation,” he said.
More information can be found at or by calling the CICA free phone helpline on 0800 358 3601.