Police chief orders 500 arrests in three days
Essex police’s new chief constable has overseen more than 500 arrests on his first three days on the job and has set a target of 600 before the week is out.
Roger Baker, who took over the post on Monday, described criminals as “thick”, saying: “We know where they are and where they live.”
The 278 people arrested on day two of the crackdown include 62 for violent crime, 29 for criminal damage and 20 each for house burglaries and car crime. More than 70 of these have already been charged with numerous offences.
Mr Baker said: “We are delivering what the public right expects of us. However, we’re definitely not going to relax and become complacent.

“Officers are cracking on with taking those criminals who affect communities off our streets, into our police stations and before the courts.”