Blair: Enterprise key to African development
The active engagement of business in Africa is the only way the continent will pull itself out of poverty, the prime minister said today.
Tony Blair was speaking at the opening the G8 Business Action for Africa summit in London, which will see the heads of some of the world’s largest companies meet with African leaders to discuss ways to promote private enterprise in the continent.
“The private sector is the engine for growth in Africa. Growth and development can happen only when governments and business work together,” Mr Blair told delegates.
“So Business Action for Africa is already fostering vigorous the private sector engagement needed to create wealth, jobs and the momentum for growth.

“Your investment, expertise and practical ideas are essential to helping Africa share in the benefits of the global economy.”
The presidents of Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi and Senegal will be meeting with representatives from Unilever, Anglo American plc and the Shell Foundation among others, as well as numerous other trade organisations.
Over the course of the next two days, the summit hopes to join to form a “clear African and international business voice” to lobby world leaders at the main G8 summit to promote African growth and poverty reduction.
Delegates also hope to change the way Africa is perceived and develop good business practice across the whole of the continent that will help bring growth to poor countries from within, and not just through foreign aid.
“In terms of economic development, Africa is falling behind all the other continents. This need not be the case. It mustn’t be the case. The solutions are in our own hands, but only if we choose to listen and take action now,” the prime minister added.
“The report of the Commission for Africa outlined a comprehensive package of recommendations which will help Africa get on a path of sustained growth and eradicate the poverty that blights so many millions of lives.
“Africa’s leaders have begun to lay the solid foundations for change. But we all need to do more – in a strong partnership with African leaders and business.”
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