Trainee midwives win discrimination case
The Government was wrong to cut bursary payments for three trainee midwives when they took time off from training to have their babies, an employment appeal tribunal has ruled.
Clare Fletcher, Tracey Parkes and Shelley Wilkinson originally took their claim of sex discrimination to an employment tribunal in April 2004. The tribunal ruled against them, but did highlight concerns over the lack of protection for women in their position.
The women, backed by unions and the Equal Opportunities Commission, appealed against the ruling in October 2004.
Welcoming the victory Unison general secretary Dave Prentis said: “This is a victory for the women, the National Health Service and for common sense.”

EOC chairman Julie Mellor said: “Today’s decision means that no other student midwife, amongst many, many other healthcare trainees receiving similar bursaries, will face the financial hardship that these three women have faced.”