Congestion charge could end early
Consultation on the next phase of London’s congestion charge has begun today, with the prospect of the charge ending at 1800 rather than 1830.
But, the early ending would be countered by an extension of the charge westwards.
Changes from the original transport strategy include a different boundary to the western extension, an extension of the residents’ discount sector to those just outside the zone and a proposal that the charging hours end at 1800 rather than 1830.
Full details of the proposals, and the online response form can be found here

The consultation was met with scepticism from London Conservatives who said that Ken Livingstone had an “atrocious record” of listening to Londoners.
Transport spokesman Roger Evans, said: “Ken Livingstone has an atrocious record when it comes to public consultation. In every one of his own consultations – on the West London Tram, the £5 to £8 increase in the congestion charge and the first round of consultation on the zone extension – respondents made it abundantly clear that they were opposed and yet the Mayor said he would go ahead anyway. It reveals his arrogant attitude towards Londoners.”
Mr Evans added: “I welcome the reduction – but why can’t it be brought in immediately? The fact that TfL says it will come in as the extension is introduced in 2007 is yet another example of their arrogance. They are assuming the extension is going ahead even when the latest round of consultation has only just begun.”
The 10-week public consultation will end on 15 July.