Blunkett returns to cabinet
David Blunkett has returned to the cabinet as Work and Pensions Secretary after a reshuffle by Prime Minister Tony Blair.
The former Home Secretary has been reinstated to Mr Blair’s front bench after resigning his post after allegations over his private life.
As expected, John Reid has been rewarded with a move to defence with Patricia Hewitt taking over as Health Secretary.
Geoff Hoon becomes Leader of the Commons while Alan Johnson takes over the new post of Secretary for Productivity, Energy and Industry.

Meanwhile, John Prescott appears to have lost some departmental responsibilities, being listed as First Secretary of State.
David Miliband joins the cabinet for the first time as Minister of Communities and Local Hovernment while Peter Hain moves to take over responsibilities as Secretary for Northern Ireland Wales.
John Hutton also joins the front bench as Cabinet Office Minister and Des Browne is another addition as Chief Treasury Secretary.
Unsurprisingly, Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown and Foreign Secretary Jack Straw retain their respective positions.