Reid compares new health pledges with Tory NHS cuts
Labour’s Health Secretary John Reid today said that a third term Labour government would ensure greater choice and support for expectant mothers and increased investment in palliative care.
He compared Labour’s agenda with that of the Conservatives, accusing them of taking over £1 billion out of the NHS to subsidise those who could afford private healthcare.
Commenting during a Labour Party press conference this morning, Dr Reid said: “Labour believes in the NHS.”
The party had already put forward ideas to improve the service including the introduction of maximum waiting times and an end to so called hidden waiting lists. It had also made pledges on cancer consultations for people with breast or bowel problems and aimed to ensure women received the results of cervical smear tests within seven days.

The party was committed to creating an NHS that served people “from the cradle to the grave”. With that, Dr Reid revealed the party’s new pledges.
“We pledge that if Labour is re-elected, by 2009 all women will have choice over where and how they have their baby, whether midwife or consultant led, and over what pain relief to use.”
Every woman would also be supported by the same midwife throughout her pregnancy, he said.
“And in order to help those nearing the end of their lives we will double the investment going into palliative care, to help more people die with dignity at home if that is what they choose.”
These plans highlighted the choice in health at the coming election.
“Under Labour there will be continuing investment, all of it in and through the NHS, providing faster, better quality health care, all free at the point of need and all of it provided to people on the basis of their medical need not their ability to pay.”
This presented a very different set of values to the Conservatives, who planned to divert funds from the NHS to subsidise those who already paid for private healthcare.
“This diversion of money from the NHS budget will not result in one extra nurse, doctor or NHS operation. This £1.2bn is simply the deadweight cost of paying people who already choose to go private – helping the minority who can afford to pay the hospital charge to jump the queue.”
Dr Reid warned: “The NHS is at risk if you let the Tories in by the back door.