Warning of transport chaos
Unless a new national transport strategy is developed, the UK is facing transport chaos according to the RAC Foundation.
According to the foundation, both the economy and the UK population will be harmed if the newly elected government does not give transport a “much higher priority”.
In particular, the RAC want to see improvements to the UK’s roads, including motorway and trunk road widening and the establishment of an independent road regulator.
It suggests that road congestion is costing the UK around £15 billion, which could double in the next decade.

Head of campaigns Sue Nicholson said: “The Government must recognise the key role of its transport system and take major steps to address it. It should ensure that expenditure on the road infrastructure is more closely related to tax taken from the motorist.
“The motorist will not accept higher levels of taxation without more being spent on transportation.”
But the proposals drew heavy criticism from Friends of the Earth.
Transport campaigner Tom Bosworth, said: “Tackling the UK’s transport crisis must be a priority for the government, but widening motorways and trunk roads isn’t the answer.
“It will generate more traffic, more climate-changing emissions and won’t solve congestion problems.
“The government should concentrate on giving drivers better alternatives to the car by improving public transport and making streets safer for cycling and walking.”