Howard accuses Blair of ‘lies’
Conservative leader Michael Howard has launched a highly personal attack on Tony Blair accusing him of telling “lies to win elections”.
Mr Howard said it was time for the British public to take a stand against Tony Blair.
Addressing campaign supporters in Hastings, Mr Howard said that Mr Blair was “crossing his fingers in the hope that you keep silent” and said: “If you stay silent, you send him the clear message, carry on you are doing just fine.
“If you stay silent you have to live with the consequences for the next five years.”

“Isn’t it your duty to take a stand? Duty to yourself and duty to your country!”
Attacking Mr Blair personally, Mr Howard accused Mr Blair of having “lost the plot” and having “told lies to win elections”
“And he’s only taken a stand on one thing in the last eight years – taking Britain to war. And he couldn’t even tell the truth about that.”
Mr Howard’s comments came as Labour also launched a rallying call to its supporters, with Tony Blair urging the public to come out and vote for the improvements that Labour had made.
Reiterating previous Conservative themes, Mr Howard accused Labour of failing to tackle crime and immigration and promised the Conservatives would “get a grip” on government spending and deliver lower taxation.
Despite accusations that the Tory focuses have been playing on peoples’ fears, Mr Howard said that he would not be backing down on the issue of immigration and asylum saying they are “out of control” and “we need to substantially reduce the numbers settling here.”
“Whatever they say I am not going to be stopped from saying and doing what I believe is right for Britain.”
The Tory leader also reiterated his controversial tough line against Travellers, saying: “there shouldn’t be special rules for special interest groups”.
“Someone had to take a stand, someone had to speak up for the law abiding majority whose lives are made a misery by the small minority who don’t play by the rules.”