Plaid proposes 50% top rate tax
Plaid Cymru has launched its general election campaign for a “fairer” society, which includes a pledge to raise the top rate of tax to 50 per cent.
Plaid says it would introduce a greater range of income tax bands, including a 50 per cent rate on incomes over £50,000 a year.
It suggests that there should be lower rates of corporate taxation and employers’ national insurance contributions.
The council tax would be abolished and replaced with a local income tax.

Other key policies include a citizens’ pension of £106 a week for an individual and £161 for a pensioner couple, greater power for the Welsh parliament, a drive on increasing renewable energy, and action on reducing NHS waiting lists.
Simon Thomas, Plaid Cymru’s policy director, commented: “Plaid Cymru The Party of Wales has a vision for a better Wales. This manifesto is a programme which has at its core the need to support and strengthen public services, and to remove injustice and inequality so evident in our society.
“Plaid Cymru believes a better Wales means shorter NHS waiting lists and waiting times, it means providing a decent standard of living for everybody, it means ensuring people feel safe in their communities, and it means tackling the growing threat of climate change to ensure the generations to come have a clean and sustainable planet to live in.”
He added: “A strong Parliament for Wales, as recommended by the Richard Commission will lead to a better Wales for everybody. We ask the people of Wales to have faith in a party which has a vision for Wales, a vision for a fair society, a sustainable environment, a strong economy and a world of peaceful co-existence.”