Howard signs Labour’s NHS petition
Conservative leader Michael Howard has today signed Labour’s petition calling for the NHS to remain free at the point of use.
Mr Howard said he signed the petition to refute Labour’s accusations that Conservative policies would lead to patients having to pay for operations.
Labour’s petition, which reads “Keep the NHS Free” was launched by Tony Blair at the weekend.
Speaking on Saturday, Mr Blair said the choice facing the electorate between Labour and the Conservatives was best illustrated by the NHS and was “not just a difference of policy but a difference of values.

“The many – treated faster in an improving, expanding NHS, with Labour providing opportunity and security for all when they need it, on the basis of their need,” he said.
“Or the few – who can afford to pay, treated faster under the Conservatives, with charges for operations, resources cut from the NHS to subsidise people who pay privately and the many unable to pay left to wait longer and longer.”
Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott’s battlebus – the Prescott Express – is to pick up completed petitions as it tours the country and bring them back to London.
But today there was an unexpected signature from Michael Howard.
He said: “I just wanted to demonstrate that what they say isn’t true”, referring to accusations that a Conservative government would charge for operations.
Denying that his policies would drain money out of the NHS, Mr Howard said his party believed that where people paid tax, it was “perfectly fair” for the NHS to subsidise their private healthcare.
He said this would amount to the cost of the NHS provision, and would shorten waiting lists for other patients.
Restating that the NHS “would be free of charge” under a Conservative Government, he also promised to “give people a choice of any NHS hospital” so that they could choose a hospital with a good record on MRSA, or one that would be easiest for family members to visit.