Firefighters warn of increase in attacks
A national strategy to help protect firefighters from attacks is needed, according to the Fire Brigades’ Union (FBU).
It warns that firefighters are being ambushed by yobs and have to avoid bricks, bottles and missiles as they try to fight fires. Some of the fires are even started deliberately to lure crews into a pre-planned ambush it claims.
Research carried out by the union has found that attacks are getting worse, with 40 attacks on fire crews in the UK every week. Firefighters have reported being shot at, spat at, had their equipment stolen and been pelted with a range of missiles including concrete blocks, brick and bottles.
The FBU says it is only a matter of time before someone gets killed.

“The number and ferocity of the attacks appears to be getting worse,” said the union’s general secretary, Andy Gilchrist.
“A young boy died in Scotland during one attack and it is only a question of time before a firefighter is killed.”
Statistics showed yearly attacks of about 2,000 a year, however firefighters interviewed in the survey admitted to a severe culture of under-reporting. The union fears that figures could be up to three times as high.
Mr Gilchrist said there is no quick-fix solution to this problem.
“Many attacks are in deprived areas, facilities and poor housing, where bored young people turn to drugs and alcohol,” he said.
The FBU has called for a national strategy to deal with the problem.