SNP promise to ‘make Scotland matter’
The Scottish National Party has launched its “People’s manifesto” in which it promises to “make Scotland matter” in Westminster.
Its key theme is the pledge to create more opportunity for Scottish people.
Proposals include a national apprenticeship scheme, replacement of student loans with student grants, a 50 per cent increase in free nursery provision, a £2,000 grant for first time buyers and free primary school meals.
For older people they promise an end to means testing, abolition of council tax, restoration of the earnings link and a rise in the basic state pension.

Key to funding these promises would be the party’s economic policy, which includes taking control of Scotland’s oil, cutting corporation tax and making Scotland the most competitive part of the UK.
The SNP also promises a nuclear free Scotland and to protect Scotland’s regiments.
Leader Alex Salmond, said: “This is a People’s manifesto for a free Scotland. It is the only manifesto made in Scotland for Scotland. It is a manifesto to make Scotland matter in this election, a manifesto focused on a better future for the people of Scotland. Independence is at its core.”
Rejecting the suggestion that a vote for SNP would be wasted, Mr Salmond said: “I don’t think Scotland wants a forced choice between Michael Howard, a Tory who introduced the poll tax, or Tony Blair, a Tory who took us into an illegal war. People want a real choice – a Scottish option. They want a party that will make Scotland matter in May, a party with the vision to create a new Scotland.”
He added: “Scotland is set to lose over half a million people over the next 40 years – including many of our brightest and best. Britain is draining us of our young talent. We need to reverse the flow south and create opportunities for our sons and daughters so young Scots can prosper here at home.”