Greens gun for gay vote
“Green is the new pink” that is the assertion of gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell.
Mr Tatchell is to launch the Green Party’s national manifesto for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community.
“I am voting Green and I urge everyone who supports Gay rights to vote Green,” he said.
The manifesto is set to be launched at a fundraising event in Hove at 20:00 tonight and contains ten promises covering “all areas of life from education, employment and marriage to hate crimes” the party said.

Nigel Tart, the Brighton-based Green Party’s national LGBT spokesperson, added: “What separates the Greens from the opposition is the way our policies remain a reflection our principles, not some compromise acceptable to Middle England.”
The launch is part of ‘Fabaret’ – a fundraising cabaret event for Brighton & Hove Green Party, taking place at Hove’s Old Market Theatre.