SNP: Labour has let down Scottish NHS
The Scottish National Party has launched its first major election poster, which accuses Labour of letting down the Scottish NHS.
It believes that health could be Labour’s Achilles heel in Scotland, and is claiming that the median wait for outpatients has actually increased since 1997.
The poster launch comes on the day that Labour is set to unveil its Scottish manifesto.
SNP leader Alex Salmond, said: “Scotland’s health service has been let down by the Labour Party. Labour promised a lot but has delivered so little. They have failed hard working staff and long waiting patients.

“The SNP will focus on treating people faster and closer to home. We will sort out Labour’s health failures.”
Depute leader Nicola Sturgeon, added: “How much longer are the people of Scotland meant to wait for Labour to get a grip of the many problems in our health service? How much longer before Labour keep their promises?”
“Health is Labour’s campaign Achilles heel. People have lost patience with Labour.”
The SNP claims that the median wait for out patients is actually ten days longer than in 1999