Lib Dems pledge economic freedom and social justice
The Liberal Democrats today promised a programme of economic freedom and social justice if they form a government.
With Lib Dem leader Charles Kennedy spending time with his wife Sarah and new born son Donald, it was left to deputy leader Menzies Campbell to spell out the message that the party would be “straightforward and up front” about the cost of its policies.
The Liberal Democrats announced a package to improve public services, abolish council tax, maintain strong economic growth, and match it with tough financial discipline.
Sir Menzies said: “The Liberal Democrat programme for government will be one of economic freedom, and one of social justice too.

“We want fairer taxation and the sound investment of taxpayer’s money in the priorities that matter most to the people of Britain.”
The Lib Dems published an opinion poll this morning indicating that the electorate is sceptical about pledges not to raise taxes after the election.
Sir Menzies added: “We will not tax by stealth – we say no hidden taxes. We are straightforward and up front about the cost of our policies and how we would pay for them.”
The single Liberal Democrat tax raising measure – raising the top rate of tax from 40 per cent to 50 per cent on earnings over £100,000 a year – would help fund three Liberal Democrat priorities.
The second strand of the party’s approach was to “spend money differently”. The Lib Dems would redirect £5 billion a year of existing Government spending to invest in “high priority areas” such as pensions, measures to lower class sizes and boost police numbers.
The party would also cut programmes such as the Child Trust Fund and compulsory ID cards. “Unnecessary” quangos and central government departments would also be scrapped.
The Liberal Democrats plan to publish a costings document with their manifesto, which was due to be launched today, but had to be postponed when Mr Kennedy’s wife Sarah was rushed into hospital.