Greens unveil manifesto
Tackling climate change, promoting social and economic justice and renationalising the railways are the central themes of the Green Party’s election manifesto, launched on Tuesday.
Keith Taylor, the Green’s principal national speaker, said the Greens were proposing a “radical and progressive solution” to many of today’s problems.
The environment was central to the manifesto, the Greens being the only party that was not “squandering and polluting”, he said.
Mr Taylor said the Greens were committed to a platform of “People, Planet and Peace.”

Key features of the manifesto include replacing VAT with a system of eco-taxes, aimed at reducing climate change, along with reducing carbon emissions by 20 per cent and increasing recycling to 60 per cent by 2010.
The Greens are committed to bringing the railways and the London underground back into public ownership, as well as ending PFI schemes in public services.
An Organic Agriculture Bill and a commitment to reducing food miles also feature.
Mr Taylor, joined at a press conference by London Assembly members Jenny Jones and Darren Johnson, said the Green Party was also committed to restoring peace and trust.
Mr Johnson said that it was left to the Greens to provide an alternative to voters, as the three main parties had failed to offer anything “radical and inspiring.”