Liberal Democrats ‘very proud’ of leader
The Liberal Democrats will stress Charles Kennedy is one of their biggest electoral assets when it publishes its manifesto next week.
Mr Kennedy’s picture will be on the front of the manifesto and he will lead the Lib Dems’ first election broadcast of the campaign on Wednesday.
He will be pitched as an alternative to the bickering Tony Blair and Michael Howard.
The Lib Dems will stress the election is a three-way contest and will claim Labour and the Conservatives are hiding their leaders to save votes.

It is rumoured Tony Blair will not feature on the front of Labour’s manifesto.
Lib Dem Campaign chief Lord Razzall said Mr Kennedy had probably had the best campaign of the three leaders to date.
“Politics is about style and substance and we think certainly as far as style is concerned Charles has come across in marked contrast to the other two leaders and their yah-boo politics.
“We think that Charles’ measured, up-beat approach plays much better with the electorate than the approach that the other two parties have taken so far.
“Unlike the other two parties, Charles is at the centre of our campaign. We are not seeking to hide him at all.”
Lib Dem chief executive Lord Rennard said his party was “very proud” of Mr Kennedy and believed his style was “very popular”.
Mr Kennedy has pledged to fight the election positively, and not exploit fears on crime and immigration.