Business wants faster public service reform
Business wants the reform of public services to move more quickly than at present, according to the Confederation of British Industry.
In a new survey, the CBI found that the majority of businesses are unhappy with the speed of public service reform.
Dissatisfaction was found across every sector, with reforms to the NHS, the criminal justice system and education system all receiving negative feedback.
Transport reform caused businesses the most concern, with only nine per cent of respondents saying they were satisfied with improvements, compared to 89 per cent who were either “dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied”.

CBI director general Digby Jones said: “Business as a user of public services depends on good transport, schools and hospitals. But our experience on the ground leaves much to be desired.
“Business expansion is being impeded by poor transport infrastructure, recruitment is being hampered by skills shortages and employees have to wait too long for hospital treatment.”
The CBI also found scepticism about whether the Government would achieve efficiency gains within the public sector. A total of 86 per cent of businesses surveyed thought that the £21.5 billion of savings outlined in the Gershon report would not be met.
Overall, only one per cent of the 400 respondents thought the Government’s reforms would be delivered.