Last day for voter registration
Would-be voters must be on the electoral register by the end of Friday to vote in a May 5 general election, if it goes ahead.
March 11 is also the deadline for voter registration for the local elections already scheduled for May 5, irrespective of what happens with the general election.
Completed voter registration forms, which can be downloaded from, must be handed in to council offices by the end of today.
Some councils are accepting faxed copies of voter registration forms, but you are advised to check with your local authority first.

Residents of England, Wales, and Scotland will be on the electoral register if they, or the head of their household, filled in the registration form delivered to their homes last autumn.
People who have recently moved home are advised to check with their local authority that they are on the register.
The deadline for voter registration in Northern Ireland has already expired.
The Electoral Commission has been running a multi-media campaign since February urging the public, in particular young people, to register their vote.
Its TV campaign is based around the message: “If you don’t do politics, there’s not much you do do.”
It attempts to illustrate how everyday issues, from the price of goods in shops to the state of the roads, are related to political decisions.
It has set up a free helpline number – 0800 3 280 280 – for anyone unsure about any element of voter registration.
Further details about voter registration can be found as part of’s election explained section.