Charles Kennedy to deliver keynote speech
The leader of the Liberal Democrats will tell delegates at the spring conference in Harrogate today that his party is the real alternative to Labour and the Conservatives.
In a keynote speech this lunchtime, Charles Kennedy will say the Lib Dems are the “distinctive party of opposition” with an array of unique policies on Iraq, local income tax, student fees, human rights and free care for the elderly.
“Will voters really forgive being misled over the war in Iraq? Or the broken promises on tax? Or top-up fees? Or the instinctive authoritarianism – on trial by jury, ID cards, house arrest?” he will say.
Mr Kennedy will flag up the discrepancy between Britain’s economic success and public services.

“So why are two million of our pensioners living below the poverty line? And why are the poorest in our society paying more of their income in tax than the richest?” he will say.
The Lib Dems have pledged to increase tax for high earners to 50 pence in the pound to pay for their proposals such as free care for the elderly.
The Lib Dems’ elections slogan will also get an unveiling. The party will pledge to fight the election claiming to be “the real alternative” with “a different vision of what Britain can be”.
Mr Kennedy will claim a vote for the Conservatives is a wasted one and will flag up the lack of representation for the Conservatives in Scotland and Wales, and mayor cities across the UK.
Mr Kennedy will tell delegates that there is “no ceiling” on the party’s ambition.
“People want a credible, principled political party which offers a different vision of what Britain can be,” he will say.
“They want a real alternative to Labour. At this general election the Liberal Democrats will be the real alternative.”
Separately, the Conservatives are running an advertisement in The Independent newspaper today claiming the Lib Dems are “soft” on crime and prison sentencing.
The ad accuses the Lib Dems of bidding to abolish mandatory life sentences for murder.