Welsh opposition calls for St David’s Day holiday
The leaders of all the Welsh opposition parties have joined together to demand a St David’s Day bank holiday for Wales.
Five years ago the Assembly voted overwhelmingly for the measure and politicians are now calling on First Minister Rhodri Morgan to press Westminster to enact the decision.
In a joint statement Plaid Cymru’s Ieuan Wyn Jones, the Welsh Conservatives Nick Bourne and Mike German of the Welsh Liberal Democrats said that a St David’s Day holiday would boost Welsh national identity.
And, they criticised Mr Morgan for only having made “half-hearted” efforts on the topic.

Only the Government is able to change bank holiday provisions.
The statement reads: “Five years ago the First Minister voted with every other AM to make St David’s Day a bank holiday. 1826 days later, there is still no sign of action beyond a handful of half-hearted letters. His attempts so far have lacked conviction, and we are calling on him to make a proper effort on a matter of importance to Wales’ culture and identity.
“Rhodri Morgan often talks about the benefits of strong Labour links between Cardiff Bay and Westminster, but they have proved of little use to anyone here in Wales. The desires of Wales are being stifled by London Labour and Rhodri Morgan’s ineffective leadership.”
England, Scotland and Wales have one of the lowest numbers of public holidays in the EU with eight, as opposed to the average 12. Northern Ireland enjoys an extra two – celebrating both St Patrick’s Day and the Battle of the Boyne.
Liberal Democrat president Simon Hughes has tabled a question in the House of Commons on the matter. He has asked Welsh Secretary Peter Hain: “What assessment he has made of the merits of making St. David’s Day a national holiday in Wales; and if he will make a statement.”
An answer is expected tomorrow.
If there is any movement on an extra bank holiday for Wales, lobbies in England and Scotland are sure to begin pressing for an extra holiday there.
This would be sure to please the TUC, which has long lobbied for an extra bank holiday, but is likely to concern business.