Blair gets above inflation pay rise
Prime Minister Tony Blair is to get a £5,010 pay rise following the latest salary review, it has been announced.
Following the review of the Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB), Mr Blair’s pay-packet will grow from £178,922 to £183,932 as part of a 2.8 per cent pay rise for MPs, ministers and politicians in devolved assemblies, mirroring increases in senior civil servants’ salaries.
The changes will come into force from April 1, a month ahead of the anticipated general election.
The increases are above the Consumer Prices Index’s mark of 1.6 per cent, the Government’s preferred measure of inflation.

The SSRB recommended senior civil service pay bands should increase by 2.5 per cent for the bottom rate and three per cent for the top rate.
Permanent secretaries will see their wages surge from £130,350 to £264,250.
The basic salary for MPs rises from £57,485 to £59,095.
Cabinet ministers will have a pay increase from £130,347 to £133,997, including their salary as MPs.