Labour launches new poster campaign
Labour has launched the next stage in its general election campaign by publishing four new posters on its website.
None of the new posters are likely to be as controversial as the previous offerings, which led to charges of anti-Semitism, as all concentrate on economic data.
One poster shows a silhouette of Mr Howard as “the man who… 1.Gave you the Poll Tax 2.Gave you 3m unemployed 3.Gave you 15 per cent interest rates 4.Gave you boom and bust 5.Would be PM?”
Another shows the heads of Mr Howard and the previous four Conservative leaders with the tagline “Are you thinking what we’re thinking?”

It is Labour’s response to the launch of posters by the Conservatives at the weekend featuring the same slogan – “Are you thinking what we’re thinking?” – alongside slogans like “What’s wrong with a little discipline in schools?”
Labour’s general election co-ordinator Alan Milburn, said: “Last week the Conservatives launched a series of posters which avoided any mention of the economy.
“These posters remind people of the failed economic past they are trying so hard to escape. At the next election the Labour Party will put forward positive policies on the economy, public services, crime and asylum, indeed all the issues of concern to the British people.
“But we will also campaign aggressively on the Tory record as well as their current policy programme which would put the prosperity of Britain’s hard working families at risk.”