Ofsted: Private school inspections ‘improving’
Inspections at the country’s private schools are continuing to improve, according to a new report.
The Independent Schools Inspectorate, which inspects around half of the UK’s private schools has made “significant improvements” to the quality of the school reports it produces, finds Ofsted.
But it notes that in 20 per cent of inspections there is still a mismatch between the needs of the inspection and the structure of the inspection team. It also highlighted problems with the management of some team meetings, which it says lead to a lack of clarity in the final feedback provided to schools.
This is one of a number of areas where Ofsted recommends improvements; and David Bell, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Schools, said: “Ofsted is committed to ensuring that all schools, regardless of their status, are inspected thoroughly and fairly and that the reports produced are useful and informative.”

Ofsted, which monitors ten per cent of ISI inspections and 15 per cent of its reports, says ISI’s inspections are good quality, well led and well prepared.
Inspection and reporting on boarding provision, a concern for Ofsted in last year’s report, has also improved.
Among the areas for improvement in this year’s report, Ofsted calls for a better match between the needs of the inspection and the experience of the team.
It also calls for training to focus on improving the overall consistency of reports, and on improving the quality of recording lesson observations.
It adds that final judgements at team meetings should be reached corporately and unequivocally and reports should include judgements about school managements and be more consistent in the reporting of provision for boarding.
David Bell commented: “I have no doubt the Independent Schools Inspectorate strives to provide parents with the best information about the schools it inspects, and provides valuable feedback to teachers and schools.
“I hope it takes forward our recommendations over the course of the year, building on the success it has already achieved.”