TUC warns of dyslexia discrimination
Not enough is being done to address dyslexia in UK workplaces, in light of reports that the condition affects almost three million workers in total, the TUC has claimed.
A new report from the union umbrella group warns that employers who fail to distinguish the subtleties of the condition can be prone to unfairly treating dyslexic employees.
The report, ‘Dyslexia in the workplace’, highlights a number of common problems suffered by dyslexic workers, including following written instructions, writing memos, letters and reports and giving presentations.
TUC general secretary Brendan Barber maintains that the Disability Discrimination Act has worked to counter the prejudices attached to dyslexia to an extent, but warns that the problem still exists, if only hidden.

“Many have perfected the art of masking their problems, which can cause them unnecessary stress and lead to poor productivity,” he stated.
“Workers with dyslexia need to know that the law is on their side and that there is support available to them.
“This new report equips union reps with the information they need to make sure that bosses are fulfilling their legal duties,” he added.