Anti-smoking ads target parents.
A hard-hitting ad campaign encouraging parents to give up smoking has been launched today.
The £6m advertising campaign features children standing over the graves of parents who have died of smoking-related diseases and aims to make thousands of smokers quit their habit in 2005.
One of the ads also features a mother struggling to break the news that she has cancer to her children, as part of a targeted campaign, which aims to highlight the emotional impact of smoking on families.
The adverts will carry the message: “Giving up smoking – the only way to protect your family.”

Commenting on the shock advertisements, Public Health Minister Melanie Johnson said: “We know 70% of smokers want to stop smoking.
“For some, however, fears about their children can be a stronger motivation to actually quit than fears for their own health.
“I am confident that the uncompromising message of this advertising will hit home with many parents.”
A further series of adverts are planned to help smokers resolve to give up in the new year, with advice being offered about free NHS Stop Smoking Services.
The Government claims that NHS smoking cessation services helped around 200,000 people quit the habit last year.
There are over 170 centres across the country offering advice and prescriptions for nicotine replacement therapy and experts claim that smokers who use NHS cessation services are more than four times likely to kick the habit.
Around 3,000 people will die of smoking-related illnesses, such as cancer and heart disease, over the Christmas break.