Straws condemns Darfur violence
The Foreign Secretary has condemned the ongoing violence in Darfur – and has promised to support the African Union if they decide to refer the matter to the Security Council.
Fighting between government and rebel forces has continued unabated in Darfur in recent days, despite the fact that a ceasefire is supposed to be in place.
Though he condemned the actions of both sides, Jack Straw was particularly stringent in his criticism of the government’s recent offensive in south Darfur.
The only international observers on the ground, in what has been described as the world’s worst humanitarian disaster, are aid agencies and troops from the African Union. These troops are few in number and do not have a full peace keeping mandate; they are there as “ceasefire observers”.

On Saturday, they warned that they would report Sudan to the Security Council – which could lead to more sanctions against the country – if government troops did not cease their offensive.
Following the threat, the Sudanese government issued a statement saying that it had unilaterally ordered it troops to cease military actions, unless fired upon. It is unclear though whether this declaration has had any effect on the ground.
Speaking late on Sunday night, Mr Straw said: “The recent actions by the government of Sudan have been carried out in defiance of the obligations placed upon it by three UN Security Council Resolutions on Sudan.
“If the UNSC receives reports from either the African Union, or its own Secretary General, confirming additional serious ceasefire violations, then we would expect an urgent meeting of the UNSC to be convened to take further action.”
International Development Secretary Hilary Benn, added: “The international community will not stand by while these violations are committed by either the Sudanese Government or the rebels.
“Recent rebel attacks on Tawilla and on humanitarian convoys in Darfur, along with the murder of two Save the Children UK staff are particularly horrific.”