PM accused over ‘climate of fear”
A leading British Muslim has accused the Government of “creating a climate of fear” to justify the war on Iraq and tough new anti-terror legislation.
Dr Assam Tamimi of the Muslim Association of Britain told GMTV’s Sunday Programme: “The war on Iraq and the alleged war on terrorism have been wars on the Muslim community.
“When you arrest Muslims early in the morning in their hundreds and end up releasing them without charge you are creating an atmosphere of horror and fear.
“I think there is a lot of suspicion, not only among Muslims but among the population at large, that all this is creating a climate of fear to justify policies,” Dr Tamimi added.

Dr Tamimi’s comments follow last week’s ICM poll for The Guardian in which a majority of British Muslims rejected the Prime Minister’s assurance that the Government’s war on terror is not aimed at Islam.
Commenting, Labour peer Baroness Uddin told the Sunday Programme that although the poll reflected what she was hearing about people’s attitudes, it was her belief that Labour would hang on “by a thread” in Muslim areas.
“Labour has a glimpse of hope because their traditional supporters feel that they are not able to go for the alternative at the moment,” she said.