Blair tells Bush to ‘reach out’ to Europe
The Prime Minister has called on US President George Bush to “reach out’ to European leaders still at loggerheads over the rightfulness of the 2003 Iraq war.
And he urged European leaders to reciprocate, saying neither Europe nor the US ought to be “arrogant” about the other.
Mr Blair defended the president and US foreign policy and criticised those who made political capital from ridiculing and parodying the US leader.
At the City of London’s Mansion House on Monday night, he told businessmen and diplomats: “Patiently but plainly Europe and America should be working together to bring the democratic human political rights that we take for granted to the world.

“It is not a sensible or intelligent response for us in Europe to ridicule American arguments and parody their political leadership.
“What’s entirely sensible, however, is for Europe to say that terrorism won’t be beaten by toughness alone.”
Mr Blair said as US foreign policy was in constant evolution, democracy was “the meeting point” for Europe and US.
The US was too urged to reach out and embrace a workable multilateralism.
“I have no sympathy for unilateralism for its own sake,” he said.
French President Jacques Chirac will make a state visit to Britain later this week.
Last night, he appeared to prick the bubble of euphoria surrounding an imminent relaxing of tension between the US and Europe, by saying Britain had gained nothing in standing “shoulder to shoulder” with the US in Iraq.
“Britain gave its support, but I don’t see anything in return,” said Mr Chirac.
“I am not sure it’s in the nature of our American friends to return favours.”
The US President is expected to visit Europe, including Britain, in February.