NHS waiting lists hit 17 year low
Hospital waiting lists fell to their lowest level since 1987 in September, according to new figures released by the Government.
September 2004 saw NHS waiting lists drop by 4,500 to 856,600, bringing them to their lowest level since September 1987.
Moreover, September’s decline marked the achievement of the longest sustained period of falling waiting lists on record – of nine consecutive months.
Health Minister John Hutton welcomed the figures, declaring, “Waiting times overall are continuing to fall thanks to the hard work of staff and the investment and capacity we are adding to the NHS.”

He insisted, “By 2008 no one will have to wait longer than 18 weeks from GP referral to hospital treatment, and most people will experience much shorter waits, with even quicker access in priority areas such as cancer.”
However, the other parties dismissed the figures produced by the Department of Health as concealing the true state of the NHS.
Liberal Democrat health spokesman Paul Burstow argued, “Claims that waiting lists are at a 17-year low will not ring true for those patients languishing on hidden waiting lists. Those waiting for tests and scans before they even get a diagnosis will greet this news with some scepticism.
“What matters to patients is how long they wait in total, from the time they visit their GP to the time they start their treatment. Ministers must publish the full waits as soon as possible if their claims are to carry any credibility.”
Conservative health spokesman Andrew Lansley claimed, ” The average time spent waiting for operations is higher.
“The targets have meant hospitals pushing patients through beds even when they should be closed for cleaning to get rid of infection.”