MP ‘optimistic’ over plans to save Black Watch
A Scottish MP is “optimistic” that his proposals for saving the majority of Scotland’s infantry regiments will be adopted by the Government.
Eric Joyce, MP for Falkirk West, has submitted plans to the Ministry of Defence under which the Royal Scots regiment and King’s Own Scottish Borderers regiment would be merged but the rest of Scotland’s six infantry regiments would be preserved.
The MoD is seeking to downgrade the regiments – including the Black Watch currently serving in Iraq – into battalions in a single Scottish unit.
Mr Joyce’s plans would see the regiments come under one Scottish division, but maintain their regimental identity. As such, the Black Watch would be preserved along with the Royal Highland Fusiliers, the Highlanders and the Argyll and Southern Highlanders.

Reports in Scottish newspapers suggest the Prime Minister is receptive to the proposals. It is thought he may be sensitive to the political implications of merging the Black Watch regiment whilst its troops are engaged on a dangerous mission in Iraq.
Mr Joyce told “I am as optimistic as you can be in politics that these views are being taken into account [by the Government].”
The Conservatives want Mr Blair to come clean over reports that he is set to do a U-turn.
Shadow Defence Secretary Nicholas Soames said: “If the story about the Black Watch is true, we welcome Tony Blair’s U-turn. It has always been Conservative policy that all the Scottish regiments should remain as separate entities.”
“However Tony Blair’s climb down does not go far enough. Conservatives do not believe that the proposed merger between the King’s Own Scottish Borders and the Royal Scots should go ahead. And if we are elected, we will take action to stop it. “
A final decision from the MoD is expected by the end of November.