Bercow questions Conservative direction
The Conservative MP for Buckingham John Bercow has questioned his party’s direction on a range of issues.
Writing in The Independent, the former international development spokesman, said leader Michael Howard had appeared “opportunistic” in claiming Tony Blair deliberately misled the country over Iraq and weapons of mass destruction.
“I believe the Prime Minister has been honest about the war and that he has displayed courage, vision and statesmanship,” he said.
“As for Michael’s position, I do not think that you can pile up votes from every category of the disaffected. The anti-war vote will not turn to the Conservative Party.

“Not only is there a danger, it is a fact that he has been seen as opportunistic. I believe you have to be honest in politics.”
Mr Bercow, who left the Tory front bench in the August reshuffle, said that the Conservative Party should home in on issues such as public services and shift away from Europe, taxation and immigration.
A former right-winger, who has followed Michael Portillo’s path to a softer attitude on social issues, Mr Bercow said he concurred with much of Labour’s public service reforms and warned a progressive Conservative Party much appeal to all sections of society.
Mr Bercow warned against inheritance tax cuts for the well-off.
“I don’t meet people even in Conservative areas who tell me their main priority is tax cuts.
We have to spend a lot more time thinking about people who don’t vote Conservative.”
Mr Bercow said the August reshuffle – which witnessed John Redwood return to the Conservative party frontbench – had been “bizarre”.
In other internal Tory Party news, Nigel Evans has been appointed to oversee the operation of Conservatives Abroad.
The former Shadow Welsh Secretary will officially be a vice-chair of the party and will take on responsibility for ensuring that expatriate Tory supporters vote in the next general election.