MPs’ expenses set for release
This afternoon, for the first time ever, MPs’ expenses will be made public knowledge.
On top of a basic salary of £57,485, MPs can claim a variety of allowances for running a second London or constituency home, employing office staff and travel costs.
The accounts will be published at 15:30 BST this afternoon on the Parliamentary website
Accounts for the past three financial years, 2001-02, 2002-03, and 2003-04, will be published, with an annual total for each MP, which will be divided into sub categories including London supplement, staffing allowance, travel, staff travel, stationery, and IT provision.

The travel expenses will also include travel on parliamentary business – for example whilst on select committee duty.
Some differences between MPs’ expenditure will be due to factors such as select committee membership, which often involves significant travel, or constituencies which are far away from London.
Those holding positions of responsibility, such as ministerial or parliamentary office are also entitled to extra money. For example, the Prime Minister gains an extra £121, 437, Cabinet Ministers £72,862 and the Leader of the Opposition £66,792.
However, the figures are likely to be closely scrutinised by both constituents and the media.
Disclosure of such figures will become mandatory under the Freedom of Information Act, which comes into force in January 2005, but the House of Commons Commission, which runs Westminster, decided to publish the information earlier in the interests of open democracy.