Anti-sectarianism website launched
The Scottish Executive has launched a new website to try and tackle sectarianism and bigotry.
Scottish leaders have been attempting to tackle the problem of sectarianism for a number of years, with particular high profile efforts at Celtic and Rangers football clubs.
Until now, the efforts have primarily focused upon times when sectarianism feelings spill over into violence or chanting, but today’s launch will attempt to prevent sectarianism getting a hold at an early age.
The new website will be initially piloted in five regions before being rolled out nationally next year.

It will aim to raise awareness of sectarianism and religious intolerance and place this in the context of equality and tackling discrimination more widely. It will also provide examples of good practice for professionals working with young people on issues of sectarianism and religious intolerance.
Deputy Education Minister Euan Robson said: “Bigotry, sectarianism, xenophobia, racism – whatever form it comes in, discrimination has no place in a modern Scotland.
“We must rid Scotland of this stain on its reputation and, to achieve this, education is crucial. We cannot ignore the problem and hope it will go away. We must tackle it head-on, making it clear to future generations that such discrimination is simply unacceptable.
“The anti-sectarianism resource will build on the excellent work already been done in schools on equality and fairness. I hope it will give teachers greater confidence to raise the issue of sectarianism with pupils during their formative years, challenging the notion that such behaviour is in any way an acceptable part of Scottish culture.”
The information on the site was developed in consultation with both Celtic and Rangers, and with the Church of Scotland and the Roman Catholic Church.
As the website is still in its pilot stages, no URL for the site is yet available.