Dome to house London delegates
The Mayor of London has announced that the Dome is to be used to provide accommodation for delegates attending the European Social Forum.
The Dome has been lying empty since the end of the Millennium exhibition, though it is set to be turned into a sporting and entertainment venue.
The forum, being held between 15th to 17th October, aims to bring thousands of people from across Europe together for “debate, celebration and protest”. Around 20,000 people are expected, with 5000 of those likely to take advantage of accommodation at the Dome.
Accommodation will be basic, comprising of sleeping bags with toilets and showers, and will cost delegates £30 for the three nights.

Confirming the plan, Ken Livingstone, said: “The European Social Forum is bringing together thousands of people from across Europe to discuss and debate a range of issues, including social justice, inclusion and democracy and it is important that they are able to afford to participate.
“I have always considered the Dome to be one of London’s most beautiful structures and I knew it would be very useful at some point. Those who stay there will take back a view of London they will never forget.”
Barry Camfield, TGWU assistant general secretary added: “The acquisition of the Dome as a communal sleeping place is really good news as it opens up the European Social Forum to the low paid and unwaged of Europe.”
The forum will cover six main themes: war and peace; democracy and fundamental rights; social justice and solidarity; corporate globalisation and global justice; racism, discrimination and the far right; and the environmental crisis and a sustainable planet.