Morris to step down at next election
Estelle Morris, the Arts Minister, has announced she is to step down from Parliament at the next election.
She will remain in her role as Arts Minister until then.
In a statement she said: “It has been a huge privilege to represent Yardley in Parliament and I owe a debt of gratitude to my constituents and my party members for giving me that opportunity.
“I am tremendously proud of the achievements of the Labour government and the contribution I have been able to make in two Departments of State.

“I have not lost my enthusiasm or energy for politics but I want a different focus and a new challenge outside the House of Commons.”
It is not yet know what the new “challenge” will be.
Ms Morris has been the MP for Birmingham Yardley since 1992, since switching to politics from teaching.
In 2001 Ms Morris was promoted to Education Secretary, but she resigned dramatically in October 2002 after a succession of problems over A-Levels and teacher vetting. At the time she stated that she felt she was not up to the job.
Her return to Government though was swift, with her appointment as Arts Minister in June 2003.
Labour are likely to face an electoral battle in her constituency in the next general election, as they currently have only a 2578 majority over the Liberal Democrats.