Hollywood hopes for Greens
The Green Party are to use the new Hollywood film “The Day After Tomorrow” to raise awareness about climate change.
Green campaigners all over Europe will be handing out leaflets to cinema goers urging them to vote Green in the forthcoming European elections.
The Green Party’s spokesman on sustainable development, Professor John Whitelegg, said: “The film is a Hollywood epic so of course it’s not entirely authentic. But the message is sound, that climate change threatens disaster.”
“The other parties maintain the fiction that they’re doing enough to stop climate change, but the reality is their policies are largely greenwash.”


“And there has never been a better time for this message to come home to the public, because only political action can stop climate change and only the Greens have shown both the necessary understanding and the political will.”
The leaflets will highlight the Greens’ campaign to reduce greenhouse emissions and promote renewable energy.
Key points of the Greens’ election manifesto are large investments in non-nuclear renewable energy and public transport.
“The Day After Tomorrow” is set in a world where global warming has led to extreme storms and flooding, and its most trailed scene shows New York being covered in a sheet of ice.
Dany Cohn-Bendit, Co-Speaker of the European election campaign, said: “Europeans needs to see this film to understand the potential consequences of climate change.
“The film’s events are fictional and dramatised, but its message is clear: if we do not deal with climate change now we are gambling – not only with our future, but with the future of the planet.”