
WHO puts Toronto back on Sars hit-list

WHO puts Toronto back on Sars hit-list

The World Health Organisation has placed the Canadian city of Toronto back on its list of places affected by the deadly severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars), less than two weeks after it was removed.

The WHO made the move after authorities admitted eight probable new cases and 26 suspected cases in the city.

Worryingly, Dr Allison McGeer, head of infection control at Mount Sinai hospital in Toronto claimed more deaths were anticipated.

The overall death toll for the atypical pneumonia in Toronto has reached 27 dead, among a reported 150 cases.

Nearly 300 possible and suspected cases of Sars have been reported in Ontario, situated around Toronto.

Worldwide deaths from the virus now stands at 724, with more than 8,100 people infected since the disease emerged in November in the southern Chinese province of Guangzhou.

At present, WHO has stopped short of issuing a travel advisory against Canada.